Microsoft: Tablet Maker?

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Is Microsoft going to attempt the tablet making game? According to The Wrap, Microsoft will announce its entry in new hardware territories at a "secretive event" in Los Angeles very soon. 

BallmerAllThingsD confirms the rumour through its "insider" sources-- or at least the part involving an event with a tablet-centric agenda. 

Should Microsoft actually start making tablets, what kind of device will it produce? The most predictable bet would be an ARM-powered iPad rival using Windows RT. Or maybe would it be a cheaper, Amazon Kindle Fire beater? Or a middle ground, aiming towards the enterprise market RIM's PlayBook failed to capture...

Other analysts speculate the next Microsoft tablet will actually carry Windows Phone. The reasoning behind this? The documents behind the recent Microsoft joint venture with Barnes & Noble mention Windows Phone a number of times, as well as make reference to a "Microsoft Reader."

Such a Windows Phone device would use a smaller form factor, with a 7-inch display rather than 10-inch. More fuel to the speculation fire-- maybe such a device will be Nokia-made and Microsoft-branded? 

A Microsoft-branded Windows Phone 7-inch tablet would also offend Microsoft's OEM partners less, what with their already being busy making portable Windows 8 devices... 

In other words, all we have so far are a lot of rumours and potential hot air. We will know more (or not) once the rumoured Microsoft announcement date, June 18 2012, rolls on. 

Go Microsoft Manufacturing Tablet to Rival Apple iPad Says Insider (The Wrap)

Go Microsoft is Doing its Own Tablet. How Do You Like Them Apples? (AllThingsD)