Patent War: Apple Wins EU Tab 7.7 Ban

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Apple wins an EU-wide preliminary injunction banning sales of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 tablet as the Düsseldorf regional court decides the devices infringes on Apple design rights.

Apple vs SamsungHowever Samsung can still continue selling the larger Galaxy Tab 10.1N-- the revised model Samsung released to work around earlier design infringement accusations. The Düsseldorf court had already decided in favour of the 10.1N variant back in February 2012

The Galaxy Tab 7.7 ban theoretically covers all EU countries except Germany, where a ban against the tablet is already in place.

However earlier in July a UK high court decided Samsung tablets are less "cool" than the iPad, and therefore do not infringe on Apple tablet patents.

Then there is a separate July 9 London court decision forcing Apple to publish a 6 month-long notice on its UK website and an advert in British newspapers alerting customers Samsung is not guilty of copying iPad designs.

"Bizarre" is an understatement when it comes to describing such a situation.

Such decisions are the result of years of legal bickering between the two mobile giants, all part of a wider web of patent disputes. Most of such disputes involve (who else?) Apple.

Which decision will (or should!) Samsung follow? Probably the one allowing Galaxy Tab sales in the most countries... Either way, expect more of Apple and Samsung bickering in European courts very, very soon.

Go German Court Bans Galaxy Tab 7.7 Across EU (WebWereld)

Go Samsung vs Apple UK Court Ruling

Go Apple Must Publish Notice Samsung Didn't Copy iPad in UK (Reuters)