Apple: "Little More to Show"

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So at least part of the current batch Apple-related rumours is confirmed-- Apple sends out invites for a 23 October 2012 press event at the California Theatre, San Jose.

Apple event"We've got a little more to show you" the invite says below a colourful take on the familiar Apple logo.

What will Apple reveal at this event? Predictably all talk points towards the now mythical smaller (as in 7.85-inch) iPad. Meanwhile has what perhaps is a less interesting suggestion from an unnamed "high-profile US retailer"-- a 13-inch MacBook Pro with a Retina Display.

Either way, "little" is surely the key word here...

Little over 2 weeks ago Fortune reported Apple was to send out launch invitations on October 10 2012. Looks like the anonymous "major Apple investor" spilling the beans got his date wrong, if only by 7 days.

Go Apple

Go iPad Mini: Already in Trouble?