Are Watches a Bigger Opportunity for Apple?

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A smartwatch might prove to be the next big thing for Apple, Bloomberg says-- it might prove to be a far more lucrative device than a TV can ever manage to be.

iWatchCitigroup analysts tell Bloomberg watches not only are provide opportunity for Apple to create something entirely new (as in "something consumers didn’t even know they needed”), but also provide superior profit margins within a less competitive market than TV, at least when it comes to the luxury-goods retail.

Not to mention the watch industry appears to be in rude health, unlike TV...

The newspaper also reports fresh rumours on the device-- Apple has 100 designers working on the project, design boss Jony Ive is busy studying sports watches from the likes of Nike, and the company owns "at least" 79 patents with the word "wrist," including one for a device with a flexible screen and another using kinetic power.

A further report  suggests Apple will put iOS in the iWatch, rather than the proprietary iPod nano OS.

A foray in wearables will see Apple clashing even further with Google-- after all Google is busy showing off the Project Glass augmented-reality goggles, which it reportedly hopes to account for 3% of company revenues by 2015. Apple still has to overcome a number of challenges before releasing an iWatch (chiefly battery life and connectivity with other iOS devices), but so far hints already point out 2013 as being the Year of the Wearables.

Go Apple's Planned "iWatch" Could Be More Profitable than TV (Bloomberg)

Go Apple "iWatch" to Use Curved Glass?