Enter Another Wearables Contender... Dell

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Dell considers making an entry in wearable electronics market, company global VP of personal computing Sam Burd tells The Guardian-- making the struggling PC maker yet another potential contender in a still-budding market.

Dell Smartwatch"We're exploring ideas in that space," Burd says. "There are challenges in cost, and how to make it a really good experience... Computers are getting smaller. Having a watch on your wrist-– that's pretty interesting, pretty appealing."

The PC market is also getting smaller, even as Dell prepares to make itself private via $24 bilion buyout. The company has already been late to the tablet party, and Burd admits XPS-10 and Latitude 10 Windows 8/RT tablet sales only total "hundreds of thousands."

It also gave up on smartphones, killing off its Android-powered portfolio (with devices as the 5-inch Streak) and giving no mention of fresh attempts at stabbing the Samsung-dominated market any time soon.

However Burd sounds realistic when speaking on wearables, saying "I don't see any magic new form factor like the iPad-– I don't think anybody saw how that was going to change devices. But the number of [computing] devices per person is exploding."

If The Guardian story is the case Dell will be in good company-- since just about every major CE vendor is in the least rumoured to be working on a smartwatch, with similar stories covering Microsoft, Samsung, Google, LG and Apple.

So far only Samsung confirmed its intentions, with mobile business VP confirming with Bloomberg the company is "preparing [wearable CE] products for the future, and the watch is definitely one of them.”

No actual details on Samsung wearable CE are available as yet, mind.

Go Dell Eyes Wearable Computing Move (The Guardian)

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