Vendor News

FT: "Fresh Talent" for iWatch

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Apple is on a "hiring spree to tackle design problems with its 'iWatch'" the Financial Times reports, as the company wants fresh talent working the launch of the first new Apple offering since Tim Cook replaced the late Steve Jobs.

According to anonymous sources Apple is hiring "aggressively" for the project, even if the so-called "iWatch" (a name confirmeiwatchd by a number of trademark applications) is still at least a year from hitting the market.

The hiring spree is also sign of “hard engineering problems that they've not been able to solve” one source continues.

One recent Apple hire to probably (surely?) work on the iWatch is former Yves Saint Laurent CEO Paul Deneve, who joined the company to work on "special projects."


Enter Another Wearables Contender... Dell

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Dell considers making an entry in wearable electronics market, company global VP of personal computing Sam Burd tells The Guardian-- making the struggling PC maker yet another potential contender in a still-budding market.

Dell Smartwatch"We're exploring ideas in that space," Burd says. "There are challenges in cost, and how to make it a really good experience... Computers are getting smaller. Having a watch on your wrist-– that's pretty interesting, pretty appealing."

The PC market is also getting smaller, even as Dell prepares to make itself private via $24 bilion buyout. The company has already been late to the tablet party, and Burd admits XPS-10 and Latitude 10 Windows 8/RT tablet sales only total "hundreds of thousands."

It also gave up on smartphones, killing off its Android-powered portfolio (with devices as the 5-inch Streak) and giving no mention of fresh attempts at stabbing the Samsung-dominated market any time soon.


One, Butterfly Boost HTC Q2 2013

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HTC sees a bit of a profit boost in Q2 2013 following record Q1 2013 lows-- net profits for the quarter reach T$ 1.25 billion ($41.63 million), up from $2.8m in the previous quarter.

HTCThe Q1 2013 drop in profits was brought about by camera component shortages delaying the flagship HTC One smartphone launch.

Company revenues for Q2 2013 total $2.4 billion with a -20% Y-o-Y decline-- still a slight improvement over the -33% Y-o-Y decline seen during Q2 2012.

However the increase in profits is both behind analyst forecasts and most likely short-lived. BNP Paribas expect a flat Q3 2013 for HTC, while Nomura Securities tell Reuters "competition from Apple and other Chinese brands are fierce... It'll be hard to keep the growth."


Reuters: Intel to Prioritise Mobile

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Intel will speed up the mobile and wearable device chip rollout as the market moves away from PCs, new Intel CEO Brian Krzanich and President Renee James tell Reuters in a first press sit-down since May.

Intel LeadershipThe company will also increase focus on Atom processors, giving the product line as much (if not more) priority as the Core family. Intel might even open its factories to custom-designed (including ARM-based) hardware, just as AMD already does, in the face of declining PC returns.

"If there was a great customer that we had a great relationship with laptops and other mobile devices, and they said look, we'd really love you to build our ARM-based product, we'd consider it. It depends on how strategic they are," Krzanich says.


Apple Recruits Yves Saint Laurent CEO

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Bloomberg reports former Yves Saint Laurent CEO Paul Deneve joins the Apple ranks as VP, where he will work under CEO Tim Cook on what the company cryptically calls "special projects."

Paul DeneveDeneve is no stranger to Apple, having worked with the company on 1990-1997. He also had experience leading Lanvin and Nina Ricci before becoming YSL CEO on 2011.

The hire appears unrelated to Apple's still vacant head of retail position-- that particular vacancy remains available since the company kicked out Ron Johnson replacement John Browett (he of Dixons and the $55 million "golden Hello") after all of 6 months back on October 2012.