
Huawei Smartphones Get VR Headset

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In a move surprising to nobody Huawei presents a take on the smartphone-powered VR headset-- the simply named Huawei VR, a headset designed for use with either the P9 or Mate 8 handsets.

Huawei VRThe headset looks like the Samsung Gear VR, and works in a similar manner. Users simply need to slot the smartphone in the headset before connecting the two devices via USB-C cable to provide controls via touchpanel, back button and volume keys on the right of the headset.


The Thinnest Air Case iPhone Battery Case?

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A startup takes to Indiegogo to launch what claims to be the thinnest iPhone battery case yet-- the Air Case, an accessory adding just 3.8mm in thickness to the smartphone.

Air CaseThe Air Case is compatible with the iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6S, and 6S Plus, and weighs all of 69g. It carries a 2400mAh battery the maker claims doubles the power available to the iPhone, adding over 8 hours of use.


IFTTT Control on the Wrist via Nex Band

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Mighty Cast proposes a modular means to control a wide range of devices from the wrist-- the Nex Band, a wristband featuring 5 modules users can customise via companion app and If This Then That (IFTTT) commands.

Nex BandDubbed by the company as "Mods," the Nex Band modules have a colour display, touch sensitivity, a unique digital ID and a programmable function. Users can customise each Mod through the Nex app using IFTTT-style recipes, with functions ranging from assigning a button to a smartphone function, activating a smart home device or even controlling mobile device games.


The Roam-e Selfie-Snapping Drone

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The IoT Group proposes an airborne alternative to the selfie stick-- the Roam-e, a drone able to follow users around while taking pictures of their increasingly narcissistic faces.

Roam-eThe ROAM-e features a twin rotor on the top and collapsible blades, making it easy to pack and carry in a bag. According to the company the drone features facial recognition able to detect users from up to 25m, ensuring they are always in shot.

In addition a Follow Me function has the drone keep a maximum 3m distance from its target.


The Smartphone-Powered 3D Printer

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Smartphones can power a number of devices, including PCs and virtual reality headsets, but a startup named OLO 3D takes the concept to an unlikely place with the OLO, a smartphone-powered 3D printer.

OLO PrinterDescribed as a miniature stereolithography 3D printing system, the OLO is compatible with any smartphone with a display up to 5.8-inch in size, and essentially uses a combination of companion app (iOS and Android) and smartphone display to replace the projector component in a DLP printer.