Will Nintendo Jump on Mobile Apps?

Investors pressure Nintendo to move its game to iDevices, as 3DS sales slump forces the company to slash prices just 6 months after the handheld console's debut, Bloomberg reports. 

MarioAnalysts describe smartphones as "the new battlefield for the gaming industry," and urge Nintendo to either "buy its way into this platform or develop something totally new."

Current Nintendo President Satoru Iwata insists the company will only work on titles for its own hardware-- so long he's in charge, at least. 

Smartphone gaming is big business, of course-- Angry Birds downloads total 200M on iDevices alone, and Farmville developer Zynga's 2010 revenues total $597.5M. 

Gartner predicts global mobile app sales will triple to reach $15.1Bn in value by 2011's end. 

For now, however, Nintendo will bet on price cuts-- and a hope that future titles will put it back on the route to success. Unless Apple decides to use some of its wealth to buy Nintendo outright... You can never tell, after all. 

Go Mario Pressured to Jump to iPhone (Bloomberg)