Farewell, Mobile Flash

Android devices and the Blackberry Playbook just lost a customer-attracting feature-- Adobe admits defeat and abandons development on mobile Flash. 

Adobe crashIn the eulogy to the platform, Adobe says "...HTML5 [is] the best solution for creating and deploying content in the browser across mobile platforms," a statement Apple, Microsoft, Google and Facebook also agree with. 

When was the last time we've seen the 4 companies agree on anything?

Steve Jobs, who continually refused to have iOS Safari support Flash, would have been very happy indeed. Back in 2010, Jobs put his opinions on Flash in the form of a memo, stating the platform is “for the PC era — for PC’s and mice.”

Instead, Adobe will shift focus on AIR, the packaging tool converting Flash code to native Android, Windows Phone and iOS languages. PC Flash support will go on as "normal" (the company is working on version 12), even if Adobe also plans to lay off 750 employees (8% of its total workforce)...

Go Adobe: Flash to Focus on PC Browsing and Mobile Apps; Adobe to More Aggressively Contribute to HTML5