CE With Embedded Mobile Broadband Numbers Double

connected CECE devices with embedded mobile broadband connections W.W. are up from 11m in 2009 to 22m in 2010, according to Berg Insight.

The most common device category carrying mobile connectivity remains notebooks, but tablets, e-readers and PNDs are also growing fast. Berg forecasts a CAGR of 65.2% for the next 5 years for connected CE shipments-- reaching 271m devices by 2015.

The analyst mentions such devices' becoming more available, alongside their price reductions, as key factors for connected CE's growth. The iPad also helped bring the internet tablet market into the mainstream.

In fact, 3.9m out of 17.1m tablets sold W.W. carry a mobile broadband connection.

However while consumer awareness is on the rise, chipset and module prices are decreasing, and high speed cellular networks (like LTE) are rapidly growing Berg says there's still work to do in the fields of wireless data subscriptions-- requiring a great deal of business innovation.

Go Shipments of CE Devices with Embedded Mobile Broadband Doubled in 2010