The iPhone 6 Gets a Headset

Smartphone-powered VR headsets are hardly a new idea, but that doesn't stop Cordon Media from taking on the concept with the Pinć (pronounced "pinch"), a portable iPhone 6-powered headset with an interesting UI.

Pinc headset Whereas most VR headset are aimed at games and other "immersive" applications, the Pinć is designed for casual use. In fact, Cordon Media believes the one killer app for VR, other than gaming, is online retail-- and for this reason the Pinć features a Minority Report-style gesture-based UI via a pair of wearable LED-studded rings.

The LEDs provide a means for the headset to track hand movements, allowing wearers to interact with virtual objects. To make selections, one simply presses a button on the underside of the ring.

Further cementing the headset's retail use is a planned virtual reality shopping mall.

Early reports suggest the Pinć is still very much a work in progress, but Cordon Media has taken to crowdfunding on the Indiegogo platform to further refine the concept, as well as release an SDK for iOS developers. Should the preorder campaign be successful the headset should ship from June 2015.

Go Pinć