The Qualcomm Toq at IFA 2013

Qualcomm made an unexpected splash at IFA 2013 when it revealed the Toq-- a Galaxy Gear/SmartWatch 2 rival with an even slimmer display within a similar adjustable rubber wristband.

Qualcomm ToqWhile ultimately similar to most other takes on the smartwatch format, Qualcomm claims the Toq has a couple of unique selling points. First is the display, an always-on Mirasol “interferometric modulator display” that supposedly “leverages the light around it so you can see your screen anywhere, even in bright sunlight."

According to the company the display sips so very little power it not only allows for "days" for battery life, it does not even need an on/off button.

The second USP is wireless charging-- the Toq is the first smartwatch featuring Qualcomm's WiPower LE technology for "a true “drop and go” charging experience."

Otherwise, like the majority of smartphones the Toq pairs with Android smartphones and allows wrist-based call, message and notification handling via Bluetooth connectivity and companion Toq app.

For even more hands-free functionality Qualcomm also has a "Premium Audio Edition" Toq package with a pair of "truly wireless" stereo headsets compete with dedicated woofer and tweeter.

The Toq should hit the consumer market sometime during Q4 2013

Go Qualcomm Toq