Windows Phone on HTC Androids?

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Bloomberg reports Microsoft is in talks with HTC on adding Windows Phone as a second OS on Android smartphones, an idea reportedly made more attractive through either cutting or outright elimination of license fees.

HTC Windows PhoneAccording to unnamed sources HTC top brass was approached with the idea by no other than Microsoft OS unit head Terry Myerson. HTC is one of the few companies making use of Windows Phone, even if it has not revealed a handset running on the OS since June 2013 and reportedly "has no current plans to release any more."

But why would Microsoft even want to share the spotlight on a device? The combination of still-small market share (currently at 3.7% according to IDC) and efforts to appease hardware partners following the $7.2 billion Nokia handset unit acquisition.

Unlike Google, Microsoft charges a license fee for every Windows Phone device sold. It also collects royalties on every Android device as part of patent settlements.

HTC might actually be interested in making such a device, mind-- with Q3 2013 losses reaching $101 million and lagging device sales, the Taiwanese company might need all the help it can get. Whether a dual-booting device would help is another matter, though.

Go Microsoft Said to Ask HTC for Windows on Android Phone