Single iPad Refresh for 2014?

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According to KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo the iPad portfolio will see all of one addition come Q3 2014-- an iPad Air refresh armed with a next-gen A8 processor and Touch ID fingerprint sensors.

iPadsAs AppleInsider reports chances for an H2 2014 release of the supposed 12.9-inch enterprise iPad (or "iPad Pro") are "slim," since the larger display demands an iOS revision. Such an update has to wait due to Apple being too busy working on the OS for the much anticipated iWatch.

Kuo also forecasts declining iPad forecasts-- from 34 million units in H1 2013 to less than 30m for H1 2014. And "unless more aggressive promotions are launched" shipments will only decline further, with Q1 2014 iPad Air shipments dropping 30-40% and "weak" iPad mini with Retina display performance.

In other iPad-related news "people familiar with Apple's plans" tell AppleInsider the iPad 2 is set for the chopping block. The company is apparently ramping down production of the legacy device, and will push the iPad mini with Retina display as the tablet for more budget-conscious customers.

Go Apple Unlikely to Launch 12.9-inch iPad or 3rd Gen iPad Mini in 2014 (AppleInsider)

Go Apple Set to Discontinue iPad 2