LG G Pad Series Expands By 3

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LG G PadLG adds 3 tablets to the G Pad series at the MedPI 2014 trade show-- the G Pad 7.0, G Pad 8.0 and G Pad 10.1 in (shockingly enough) 7-, 8- and 10.1-inch sizes.

The tablet trio runs on Android and features proprietary LG UX features such as QPair 2.0 (allows users to connect devices to Android smartphones) and Knock Code (unlocks devices via personalised "knock" pattern).

"Customers tell us that they want a wider range of devices that offer sizable screens without compromising portability,” LG says. “Unlike smartphones, tablets are not one size fits all."

Go LG Expands Tablet Options With New G Pad Series models