WSJ: Google Working on 3D Vision Tablet

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The Wall Street Journal reports Google is working on a tablet able to see the world in 3D-- a 7-inch device armed with 2 back cameras, infrared depth sensors and software allowing it to capture 3D images.

Google project tangoThe tablets make part of "Project Tango," a Google effort in giving mobile devices 3D imaging capabilities. A brainchild of the company's Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) "skunkworks" group, so far it officially revealed a 5-inch prototype device with “human-like understanding of space and motion" granted by sensors and camera vision co-processors.

According to the company the technology can find use in a number of applications, including 3D scanning, indoor navigations and even more immersive gaming.

The WSJ adds the first Project Tango tablets will count at 4000 units, and will be handed out to developers at the June 2014 I/O conference. Why? So that developers will be able to play with the technology and, eventually, create reasons for customers to desire such devices. It's also a strategy Google regularly uses to drive the hype for perhaps more unusual devices, as seen with the Glass headset and the aforementioned Project Tango smartphones.

However, as IDC puts it, "it is critical to open the new technology to developers first as the key is how you can translate the technology into practical applications."

Either way, no confirmation on the actual devices is available as yet.

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