A Big Tablet for the Family

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Child-focused tablet maker Fuhu unveils what it says are "the world's biggest Android tablets made for sharing"-- the nabi Big Tab HD 20" and the nabi Big Tab HD 24".

nabi big tabletAs the names suggests, the two oversized tablets feature 20- and 24-inch displays respectively. According to Fuhu both are designed for the entire family, with 15-point capacitative touchscreens, quad-core Tegra 4 processors, 16GB built-in storage and a "revolutionary" carrying frame one can either adjust to any angle or remove for surface/tabletop use.

A built-in short-term battery allows easy portability, if for limited distances around the house.

The OS of choice is Android modified by the Fuhu Blue Morpho overlay adding comprehensive parental control and kid-focused features. Fuhu also adds a number of apps, games and a videos from the likes of Disney and Cartoon Network.

Parents can remotely manage the tablets via nabigator smartphone app, and can switch the Blue Morpho overlay to a regular Android environment.

The nabi Big Tab lineup hits the market from Q3 2014.

Go Family Time Reinvented-- Fuhu Introduces nabi Big Tab HD